Ministry Laborers

Marvin Smith Jr

Elder Marvin is a born-again believer by the amazing Grace of GOD revealed in the life and Good News of JESUS Christ. Elder Marvin was trained, mentored, and covered under the leadership of Bishop Keith Cornish and the Greater Chief Cornerstone Temple Church (GCCTC) family in Cambridge, MD. Training for Elder Marvin began with a spiritual re-birth during a Saturday morning prayer service, evidenced by a Holy Spirit inspired joy and laughter mixed with speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit inspired utterance.

Continuing in Biblical training led a transformed life, with acts of evidence, confirming the Holy Spirit’s inner workings in the life of Elder Marvin. From a life consumed by partying, drinking, smoking, and running the streets of Baltimore, GOD renewed the course of Elder Marvin’s life in a new path of Holiness, Righteousness, and Faith. His transformation was nurtured under the preaching and teachings, of Bishop Cornish.

Continuing further in sound biblical teaching, Elder Marvin was later born of the water in baptism in March 2008, in the Choptank river in Cambridge, MD. Commitment to the cause of Christ has birthed this new work in the heavenly vineyard all for the furtherance, expansion, and advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. To those who know a word of prayer, Elder Marvin requests your prayers on behalf of this Kingdom work. Prayers that GOD may be exalted, made known in abundance, and glorified through the work of the ministry.

Lashonda Smith

Sister Lashonda embarked on her journey upon being touched by the preached WORD of GOD, a pivotal moment that ignited her steadfast faith. Being a devoted born-again believer, she stands as a living testament to the glorious Grace of GOD. Initially guided by the leadership of Bishop Keith Cornish and the Greater Chief Cornerstone Temple Church (GCCTC) in Cambridge, MD, Sister Lashonda found a home where her beliefs flourished. Her endeavor is to be a witness to the Light of Jesus Christ and to see people delivered, healed and made whole in God. She is Committed to serving the LORD, she passionately supports the ministry's endeavors as well as cherishing her beloved family.